Saturday 23 October 2010

Autumn has really arrived now......

The leaves are really changing colour on the trees now, and with the wonderful sunny days that we have experienced during the last couple of weeks, it has been a joy to drive around our beautiful county of Devon.

It was on such a day that I paid my official visit to Tiverton. This is probably one of the most vibrant lunchtime clubs in the district, and they made me very welcome. With six current or past district officers in the club, they have a tremendous knowledge of Rotary, and this must make a significant contribution to the success of the club.

During the week I also took part in my first audio conference meeting of the RIBI Membership Development and Retention Committee. I must admit the prospect of this was quite daunting, and the closer it became the more twitchy I was, but in the event it was fine and I really needn't have worried! It is quite strange though, having a six or seven way conversation over more than two hours on the telephone. It does, however, save RIBI, and consequently members of Rotary, a great deal of money by holding committee meetings in this way.

On Thursday morning Les and I embarked on the mammoth journey to Eastbourne for District 1130's Conference; better known perhaps as 'The London Conference.' There is no easy way to Eastbourne from Devon and the journey took us the best part of six hours. I am no stranger to this conference, as it is the District in which Michael was a Governor many years ago, and I have continued to attend the majority of their recent conferences and do have many friends there.

We were treated like royalty and had a tremendous weekend. The dinner dance on Saturday and the entertainment on Friday were stunning, and I have to say, that I was taking careful note of all the proceedings in order to pick up any useful tips for our own conference in February.

We arrived home late on Sunday evening, having partaken of a very pleasant lunch with the members of the London Conference Committee and the rest of their guests, and I then spent Monday preparing for the week ahead.

On Tuesday there was another very pleasant drive through the Devon countryside to visit RC of Exmoor. They were holding a partner's meeting so Les accompanied me, and also did the driving. It was a lively meeting and I was very impressed by all that they do. They were building up to the Bampton Fair this weekend, and I was very interested to note that they were holding a pony and tack auction. This must be quite unusual for a Rotary club, and I take my hat off to them.

Bampton Fair existed even before King Henry III granted it a Royal Charter in 1258 and it is always held on the last Thursday of October. It is one of the oldest surviving Charter Fairs in the country.

This leads me on to a request to you all. Please don't hide your light under a bushel. You are all doing such exciting and innovative things in your clubs. Please let the rest of the Rotarians in the district know what you are doing by sending a short article and some good quality action photographs to the Editor of the District Magazine, (Peter Thornhill at so that your ideas and expertise can be shared. That way Rotarians in this district can do even more to help in their communities and further afield.

This week also saw the clubs assembling at Tiverton for the first District Council of the year. PDG George Kempton introduced a very interesting presentation by the RNIB, for a screening programme to detect eye problems. We are very privileged that we have been asked to be the first Rotary district to pilot the scheme alongside our Stroke Awreness day.

As an optometrist, I think that it is a very exciting opportunity for us to help our communities, and I would urge you all to take part in the scheme if you can.

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