Thursday 9 June 2011

The final chapter.......

This is Rotary Fellowships month.

It's a shame that many club Rotarians don't realise the variety of Rotary Fellowships that are available. There is everything from caravanning to genealogy, and all of them bring a raft of new Rotary friends and broaden horizons. I belong to three, The Rotary Global History Fellowship, Fellowship of Internet Rotarians and Rotarian Genealogists. I also used to be a member of the Rotary Yachting Fellowship and I can thoroughly recommend them all.

My time has been extremely full since last putting pen to paper, just after the District Assembly, and things don't seem to be slowing down at all towards the end of the year. I would say that is a really good sign, because hopefully, it means that we are getting better at achieving a seamless changeover. We really do want to see the end of 'stop start' Rotary when the responsibility passes on to the next Governor and the next Presidents.

Having welcomed the incoming GSE Team from District 7020 in the Caribbean at the beginning of May, it was great to be able to spend a day with them at the Devon County Show later in the month. This was organised by RC of Torrington to whom I pass my thanks. I was also pleased to see the presence of a significant number of other clubs from the district represented at the show in one way or another. This is certainly the sort of event where we need a significant presence if we are to raise our profile in the community. Perhaps we will see the Communications and Marketing Committee grasping the nettle and taking on the role of coordinating the clubs efforts at events like this from now on!

At around the same time as being at the Devon Show, I found myself warmly welcomed by both Exeter Enterprise and Babbacombe and St Marychurch at their President's Nights.

Having attended a meeting of the Foundation Committee, I managed to slip in a much appreciated weekend away, in order to attend the Chelsea Flower Show. This was well worth the effort and very enjoyable.

I was then able to attend my own club, Totnes's President's Night where I was delighted to be able to present President David with a very well deserved Paul Harris Fellowship. It has been very important for me to keep as close a contact with my club as possible this year. It is my Rotary home, and the heart of Rotary for me. The members of my club have given me tremendous support this year and I couldn't have done the job without them.

The following day took me back to North Devon, a place where I have been blessed to make many friends this year, to attend Bideford's President's Night. A rousing occasion with 120 guests, in a venue overlooking the sea, where we were able to watch the beautiful sunset over Lundy.

The meal was followed by a comedian who was able to elicit a laugh from even the most sombre, and sent us all home smiling.

At the beginning of the following week, on Monday, I was off to Tiverton to help in the celebration of their Sixtieth Charter Anniversary. Still managing to hold onto the spot of largest club in the district by the skin of their teeth, they now share this position with RC of Bideford.

We were again royally entertained, this time by PDG Andrew Heriman and his wife Sue. He is certainly very talented, and it doesn't seem to matter how often I see him perform, he still makes me laugh and I always hear something in the lyrics that I have missed before.

The following night I was pleased to accompany AG Peter Thornhill to Chudleigh and Bovey Tracey's Assembly at their invitation, and delighted to hear of their well laid out plans for next year, alongside their determination to considerably increase their numbers. Music to my ears as next years' Membership Chairman.

RC of Teignmouth kindly invited me to join them for their Kid's Out day on 8 June. The owner of the pier opens it to them each year on this day, when they take a significant number of handicapped children from the special schools around the area for a fun outing; seventy seven this year. It is really humbling to watch the children and see their laughter and smiles as they have such a great time.

Today it is the Executive Handover at Tiverton and the last time that I will officially chair this meeting. Then, over the weekend I will present RC of Ilfracombe Compass with their Charter, followed by a trip to Alcester for my last two day General Council Meeting.

There are four more President's Nights to attend as well as one or two more committee meetings and then it will be the District Handover on Sunday 26 June.

Overall it has been a very enjoyable year and an amazing experience to work with you all. You have accomplished great things, and I am very proud to have had an insight into all that goes on in 1170. I think we can safely say that we have been on the RIBI map this year; three new clubs and national finalists both in Young Chef and Youth Speaks Competitions, as well as first Dfid Grant in RIBI, to name but a few of your achievements.

My sincere thanks go to the District Team for all that they have done and achieved, but I also want to thank each and every one of you for your friendship, courtesy and support. I couldn't have done it without you.

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