Sunday 26 September 2010

September is New Generations Month

We are coming to the end of another busy month and September has been New Generations month. The commitment to getting youth and young adults actively involved in Rotary was strengthened in April when representatives at the Council on Legislation approved New Generations as the fifth Avenue of Service.

New Generations Service acknowledges the positive change implemented by youth and young adults involved in leadership development activities, community and international service, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding. Programs include RYLA, Rotaract, Interact and Roatry Youth Exchange.

This week has been a very busy, mainly because the District Magazine needed to be completed by the beginning of next week, in order to meet the District Membership Committee's deadline for submission to the RIBI PR and Marketing Committee for approval for an extra run of 2000, before going it goes print. It is now safely put to bed, and we can only hope that we have done enough to get the funding.

Besides an Editorial Meeting on Monday, I paid a visit to Sid Valley who made me very welcome and served me scampi and chips, for which I was very grateful as I hadn't had time for lunch! They ran a mini Assembly for me which was terrific, because it gave me a real feel for what they are up to. They have had significant success with membership recruitment, having used the Totnes Plan, and are about to go through the process again. I wish them well and am sure that it will come to fruition.

On Tuesday I made my way to Ashburton/Buckfastleigh club at lunch time. This is the daughter club of Totnes and is consequently a club that I know pretty well. I was honored to be able to induct a new member for them, and much enjoyed their hospitality as usual. In the evening I visited Dawlish Water, a club I had not been to before, although there were some familiar faces. It was a very well trodden route to their meeting place because it is only a few paces from the Langstone Cliff Hotel where we are holding the District Conference, so I didn't have any trouble finding it.

Speaking of the Langstone Cliff, we were amazed to be informed that after less than two weeks of registration being opened, the Hotel is full! Fantastic. Don't despair, however, if you wish to stay overnight, because there is still plenty of accommodation available close by, and you can find it easily by checking out the conference pages on the District website.

On Wednesday, it was heads down again with the District Magazine. We have been fortunate to get some advice from a non-Rotarian who works in PR, and who was able to look at it for us from an outside perspective. We have been busy trying to incorporate his advice.

Thursday saw me with the speech therapist again and she seems to think I am making good progress. The sun was shining when I went in, and it was so warm I decided to leave my jacket in the car. Bad mistake! When I came out it was just beginning to rain, so I decided to make a run for it. Second mistake; just as soon as I was past the point of no return, and without any cover at all, the heavens opened and I got drenched. When I got home it had to be straight into the shower as I was due at the Cliffden Hotel in Teignmouth at 6.00, where the provisional club of Teignmouth Estuary were holding a members interest meeting. They had a very good turnout and it was a well run and nicely casual evening, which I am sure will prove successful. I hope the organisers will be prepared to pass on their knowledge and experience to help in the formation of more new clubs in the District. They are hoping to Charter in November.

On Saturday morning I was back with the Magazine again, putting what is hoped are the final touches to it. It just needs a few very minor tweaks now and it should be safely put to bed ready to go to Nova on Monday, and in time for her meeting on Tuesday night.

That's the end of another week, and only leaves the preparation for next week and this blog to be completed and I can put my feet up!

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